Any factor that causes  a greater  likelihood  of loss should  theoretically  be charged a higher rate. Thus, for rating  purpose, the insurers  try to see the insured  risks as forming  part of the some class of risks that share similar characteristics . At the  same time, for  rating purpose  the insurers  have to try to distinguish the specific  risk from the class  of risks  to find out the degree  of differential  treatment the risk would  attract  depending  on its individual characteristics. For instance  for a health insurance cover the insurers  charge older  people a  significantly  higher premiums than they charge younger people for term life insurance. Old people are more likely to fall sick than  young people,  so the risk of loss the insured’s  ill health is greater  in any  given below  period  of time,  and therefore  the risk premium must be higher  to cover the greater risk. Older people are thus treated  differently than younger people. That is a particular  old man proposing  himself  for health  insurance would  be seen par  as part of the  common class of other old men and  rated accordingly . But if they insurer  finds that the old man enjoys  excellent  health has  healthy  exercising  habits, is a  non-smoker and non-drinker , and that both his parents  had lived into their  nineties, and the insurers  would distinguish  him as a  specific risk, and a  would like that ro reduce  his rates  substantially  from the common rates  applicable  to other old men.  In a motor  insurance, information, on the driver’s  experiences  and claims free record is significant. The insurance company use the information  and claims free record is significant .

The insurance company uses the information  to assess the likelihood that a driver will have been an accident  and adjust  premiums accordingly. A driver who drives  great distance at high speeds, for  example  might be a charged a different  rate than a  driver  who drives  short distance  at low speed . The rate will be adjust  justifiable by only if there the insurer is sure that a high-speed long-distance  driver incurs  greater risk to an insurance pool than the  slow, around town driver. There fore in treating  the insured  differently the insurers  should be able to logically and actuarially  justify their reasons  for doing so, so that the discriminations  is not unjust or un lawful. RATING CONCERNS;  We have seen that the rate would  depend on various  factors,  Deciding  the factors  and ascribing  appropriate  weights  to them is the insured’s  challenges.  Depending on the type of the insurance product line of business the insurance companies  some times  use automated ratings  packages  by encoding  the ratings rules, thereby a reducing  the amount the  of manual  work in working  out premiums. In a  marine cargo insurance, the rate would depend  on factors such as a nature of cargo,  scope of cover, packing, mode of  conveyance,  distance and past claims  experience.  An example  of a Risk Based Pricing  Model (RBPM)  in marine Cargo insurance is given below:.  EXAMPLE FACTORS AND WEIGHTS-1:  On a  composite  matrix a range of a  weight age points   can be ascribed  to multiple  rating factors based on the loss propensity  of a marine cargo consignments  as given below. The total rate to be charged for a marine cargo policy  can be distributed  over the 14   factors mentioned above  contributing  to 100 per cent  of the premium. Such  mathematical  rating models  helps  companies  in fixing  rates in the balanced  manner, i, e,  the underwriter would be more objective  in his decisions  if there is a rating  from structure in place.

  FACTORS AND WEIGHTS-2:  In the motor context  weight age  points can be ascribed  to multiple  rating  factors to rate a vehicle as given below  . It is a  possible  that many  more rating factors could be added at the or a few  removed  depending  on the conditions  of a particular  market. The total rate to be charged  for a motor  vehicle can be  derived from the above weight ages proportionate  to their  loss-making  potential  which can be spread  over the above 14  factors mentioned  contributing  to 100 percent  of the premium. Such rating  factors and weight ages  become the back done of a risk factored rating system  (RFRS)  or Risk factor based Rating System, which is  used in countries like Japan. 

  RISK ASSESSMENT:   We have seen that risks are a  evaluated  before acceptance  or immediately  after acceptance  for finalizing  intricacies  of the rate. Risk  evaluation  can involve  an inspector’s  visit to check  the site a and seeing   the physical  features of the risk. This can include  checking  the constructing  of the building  its height  the processes  done in it's a  its proximity  to other risks, the geographical, location for  chances the of flood or earthquake or cyclone prone areas  etc.,  The insurers may suggest  risk improvement such as a installation of fire proof  doors, burglar alarms and  smoke detectors, or offer incentives by the way of discounts  for improving  the risk. Ths insurer’s  do mathematical  modeling  based on risk  perceptions . Methods of  identifying  hazards, objectively  assessing then and weighing  their loss and potential  on mathematical  scales in all finding  out the probability of an operating  hazard with which hazards can  operate on a given risk and are studied  using  certain models  called hazards  identifications  study, (HAZID)  and hazard and Operability  studies.  (HAZOP), which enable  the insurers  to evaluation  risk potential  accurately  and scientifically.  The basis HAZOP model given in  indicates how the mathematical  weights  work in the risk evaluation.  As the likelihood  increases the loss becomes  more of a  certainty  than a fortuitous  event. As the severity  goes up it becomes  increasing  difficult  for the insurer to absorb  the losses.

 Risk management  reduces  the Likelihood  or probability  of a loss and reduce  the severity  or intensity  of a loss. Loss  prevention  and loss minimization  activities  are initiated  at the instance  of the insurers.  They form  agencies  to educate  target on reducing  losses by the various methods. Drivers of tankers  carrying  hazardous  goods are trained by the on fire prevention,  cargo handlers  at ports are trained to handle cargo with care,  pedestrians are taught  road discipline,  and the general public  is advised  on precautions  to be taken  while bursting  crackers, during  festival  seasons. The philosophy  is that if any loss is averted or any risk preserved  the insurer  gains;  beyond  this, of course, the preservation of the nation’s  wealth is a very everyone’s  responsibility.