The  insurance contract  is said to be a matter of solicitation  . This conventionally  means that the buyer of  insurance has asked  for the covers  and the insurer has given it to him,. The agent is seen as a  an  insurance advisor, advising the insured on the right type of  insurance he requires for his protections  . In the Chinese market,  insurance solicitor is the term used for employees who procure market,  insurance business for the insurer implying  that the insurers is soliciting the business . In actual  practice, solicitation covers the communications  process before the  insurance contract is entered  into , a and implies  the accountability of the insured  and the insurer to the contract that has come into effect. This process can be broken up as follows.,  1.  The insured and the insurer or its his representative have been introduced  to each other.  2. The insured’s  need for risk management  has been conveyed to the insurer.,  3.  The insurer  has explained  the  insurance products and its benefits  to the insured and,  . 4. Before entering  into the contract both parties have ( especially the insured has) arrived at a reasonable  clarity on the scope and reach of the contract  making them accountable  to whatever they are doing.  

Often this process involves  a dialogue  or a series of dialogue  and reading of literature about the  insurance products to enable  the insured to understand the product.  Till this time, the communications  is mostly  verbal. Once the insured product decides to purchases  the  insurance, he has to formally offer his risk to the insurers for  insurance cover,.  From this point onwards there are a number  of forms that are used by the  insurance with some variations as regards the contents and compositing  , depending  on the market traditions  and the regulatory requirements . 

FORMS RELATING TO THE CONTRACT OF INSURANCE PURPOSE AND CONSTITUENTS:  Forms are important for reducing  ambiguity in the  complex  insurance market. Different  types of insurances , different kinds of covers  within each type, different terms and conditions relating to the covers, and policy to policy differences  make   insurance contractors  complex. Insurances contacts  touch people from all walks to life the same type of the cover is given to cover the needs of different  industries, and contractors  sometimes needs to be honoured  across different  countries. From a policy holder protections point of view many  of the insured  may not be able to understand the terms and conditions of the documents  completely. When a  claim is not paid , he would feel that the he was given a raw deal as the he did not understand the  fine print  in the policy. It is also possible that some insurers  resort to abortive policy wordings to deprive  the insured of some types of claims. Unless the contents  are standardized  there would be  total chaps and everyone  would feel that the insurers, 

who has drafted the forms, has cheated  the insured. It is a therefore important, for the insurers  that the forms are transport  and trusted  as clean documents. Transparency  and clarity a can be a  achieved  only when the people who deal with the insurers everyone in the  insurance industry , and the courts are clear regarding the terminologies used in the forms, contextual  meaning of the constituents  of the forms and the purpose that a form serves. Standardization  of forms and term is to ensure that in the  insurance market and in all  insurance transactions. all speak the same language  and all understand the same meaning that is a conveyed  . The purpose , contents  and importance of some of the terms are discussed  below.