This policy grants protection against:  (a). Loss of the or damage to the aircraft  under aircraft  under specified  circumstances.  (B). All sum  which the insured or any member of the crew becomes  liable  to pay for death,  sickness  or diseases  and bodily  injury or of the third parties, caused by the an accident  arising  out of the ownership maintenance  or use of the aircraft.  ( C ). All sum for the which the insured the or any member of the crew of the aircraft  acting in the course of his duties  becomes  liable  legally to pay compensations  in respect of:  (1).  Death personal  injury  sickness  or diseases  caused  to any passenger  at the time of the entering  into being  carried out the in or alighting  from the air craft:  (2). Loss of the or damage to baggage  and personal effects  registered  or personally retained of the by passenger   in the course of the carriage  by the insured.  VARIOUS  AVIATION POLICIES:  (1). FREIGHT LIABILITY POLICY: It protects the insured  against loss for which he is liable to the owners  of cargo  on the loss or on the loss or damage to  cargo a and for delay  in delivery  or mishandling. (2). Air MAIL LIABILITY POLICY. It is  similar to freight liability  policy  except that this policy providers  cover for the liability in respect of mail carried on the aircraft . The  limits of the liability that appears  in the air mail liability  policy range from Rs. 1 lakh  to Rs.  5 Lakhs.  (3).  PERSONAL   ACCIDENT POLICY; Pilots  flight navigators  radio, officers and air hostesses  may take  this policy  for  crew  to protect  their own  interest.

 LIFE INSURANCE  CORPORATION ACT 1956=This act  was enacted  on 18.6.1956 and came  into force w. e. 1.7.1956. The act  was formulated with an objective   to nationalize the insurance business and acquire the existing  business of the life insurance companies  on the date. The  objective  of the act  as stated  in its  preamble is to provide  for the nationalized  of the life insurance business in India  by transferring all such business  to a  corporation established  for the purpose  and to provide for the regulations  and control of the business of the corporation and for matters connected  there with or incidental thereto:  To  achieve the objective  the Act  has laid  down certain schemes to acquire the existing life insurance business and most of the provision  of the scheme have already  been implemented  and as a  result,  they have no relevance in the present business  environment . However  the latest  national policies  and  globalizations  of the insurance industry  have brought  a significant  change in the approach and the applicability  of the Act. In the beginning  the objective of the act. Was no nationalize the insurance business but under the changed  social economics.  Scenario,  the private  participation  in the insurance business  has become the need  of the hour (1).  BODY CORPORATE  (SEC 3): 

Life insurance corporation  of India  was not up on  1.09.1956 as a body  corporate having  perpetual  successions.  (2). COMPOSITION  (SEC 4):  The managing  committee  of the corporation is composed  of not more than  16 members . One of the members  will be appointed by the central Governments  as chairmen.  (3).  CAPITAL (SEC 5).  The capital  of LIC is of LIC is of five  crore rupees  provided  by the central Government.  (4). FUNCTIONS  (SEC 6). : The life insurance corporation of India  has to discharge  the following  functions;  (a). To carry on the life insurance business as per the provisions   of the Act. It may be conduct the  business either the in India  or in the other countries  . It will be exercise  the powers  to secure the life insurance business.  (B). It carries  the business of capital  redemption  reinsurance, business and  certain  annuity  business  of life insurance. ( C ).  It  lends to the   Or advances  money on security of any  movable  or immoveable  property or otherwise. (D). It borrows  or raise  money in such manner the and upon such security  as the corporation  on may think fit.  MANAGEMENT  (SEC  18 TO 23.). : The corporation may appointed  one or more  persons a as managing  directors  or Directors to manage the affairs  of the corporations . The managing  Directors is the whole time officers of the Corporation . The executive  committee delegates  the powers , authorities  and defines  duties and  responsibility  of the Managing  Directors (sec 20). The  central  Government  also guides  the corporation  and Managing  director in matter of policy  involving  public  interest. These  directions  are given  in writing . The  central Government directions  are final  in the policy matters  of public  interest (sec 21).  

The corporation  depending upon the need and the requirements  appointed  an Executive  Committee  consisting  of not  more than 5 members. This committee exercise all powers to do all powers  to do all such as a acts and things as may be delegated  or asked by the corporations . The corporations  may appoint an investment  committee to advise the corporations  while investing  the funds . This  committee  comprises  not less than eight  members  out of the whom at least four members  are exercise  and posses  special  knowledge  in matters of finance and investments  of funds.  The corporation  has its central office at the  Mumbai  . Zonal  officers  were established  at Delhi  , Kanpur,  Kolkata , Chennai,  Mumbai, Hyderabad , and Bhopal.

  ACCOUNTS AND REPORTING/:  (a).  The corporation  will have to be  its own fund  from which  the claims are paid  and liability  are met. The amounts received  from different  sources such as a  deposit  , premium and panalties  are credited into the this account  (sec 24).  All the accounts  of the corporations  are subject to audit.  The audit  will be conducted  by the qualified  auditors  appointed by the corporations as per the directions  of the Central government:.   ( C ). The auditors  undertaken the  audit of the all books  and accounts and submit  their report to the corporations  and forward  a copy the central Government  (Sec 25).  (D).  The  actuaries  are to value  the financial position  of the corporation o the at  least once in the 2 years of the and submit  their reports  to the corporation  and to the central Government ( (Sec 26).  (E).  The corporation  will maintain  all the accounts and prepare  and publish  the financial  statements  such as a  balance sheets, receipts  and payments  profit & Loss accounts and apportionment  of the profit immediately  after the completion  of the financial  year. These are the made as per the provisions  of the insurance Act  1938, and  the regulations  made by the Authority.   After the audit of the financial  statement  the corporation  submits the financial statements  along with the audit certifications  to the  regulatory Authority  and also to the Central Government. (F),.  95% of surplus  funds of the profit after meeting  the liabilities  of the corporation  are presented  and the preserved  as surplus  reserves  for life insurance  policy holders  and the remaining  amount the will be utilized  as per the  directions  of the Central Government. (G).  All the reports of the actuaries and  of financial  positions  are to be placed before the House of the  parliament  as soon as per the reports  are received  by the Central Government (Sec 29).
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