An insurer can choose to underwrite a risk purely on the basis of information declared personally in a personal statements in the personal forms. This is a called non medical underwriting . This comes  under the umbrella  of “Uberima fides” the principle of utmost good faith. This does not mean any  lowering of standard of selections. Coupled  with the field representative’s like agent field officer’s  report the personal can be accepted. The claim experience under non medical is generally not unfavorable . We have a lot of saving in cost due to medical fees, hassles avoided for the proposer , simplicity in forms etc.,  

SAFEGUARDS IN NON MEDICAL UNDERWRITING: The information  given by the proposer in the personal form in is checked by agent field officer from the their personal knowledge . In  additional they give a special report called confidential report . In case the proposer is an employee in an organizations , it is possible to check the details with his employees if required, If the proposer is a female , the  insurer can insist  on certain minimum  educational qualification if she is not employed.  Normally an insurer may grip give up to Rs. 50,000 for un employed persons and Rs. 1,00,000 for other male lives under what can be called as, non medical   general category up to the age of 40.  There can be another category called non medical special, which is a meant for the both male and female employed category up to the rs. 8,00,000 . Age  restrictions  can be there up to age of 45.  Special categories of people can be considered under non medical scheme  like people working in defense  service and also professional like doctors, engineers, chartered accountants,  architects etc.,  Here the sum assured can go up to the Rs. 8,00,000. 

Similarly  ladies who are income tax payees in view of their income from rentals, business, investments etc.,  Provided  they are fairly educated can be considered  under non medical categories .  There can be a few restrictions  with regard to the products, term maximum maturity age, etc.,  depending  on the life.  Age being the basis of premium calculations  has to be the proved beyond doubt by the means of evidences like the school leaving  certificate  , employer’s certificate  passport etc., 

MEDICAL UNDERWRITING:  Beyond  the non medical limits it is necessary to take the help of a medical report to assess the risk. The non medical  format takes care of the factors that a person should normally be aware of the whereas the medical format goes to the beyond it to give the insurer certain vital information. After the field worker’s initial scrutiny hence they are called the primary underwriters , comes the role of a medical examiner in assessing the risk. The examination brings out certain information that the proponent may be knowing but still intentionally  trying to suppress it or he may not be  revealing  them inadvertently or he may be a it is the  ignorant of that information.