A total 85% of the public opined that sharing genetic information  would result into refusal to issue policies or charging higher premium by life insurance companies  26.7%  said that companies would agree to sell the policy at the regular price and only 19.5% said that genetic information  would result in the issuance of a policy at a lower price.  CONSUMER’S  INSURANCE PURCHASING BEHAVIOR:  The knowledge  of any increased risk my tempt  the persons to hide the information  and geta a into a life insurance coverage which is technically know as adverse selection. When asked about this   issue the respondents    overwhelmingly expected  consumer to withhold  unfavorable results of a genetic test from a the life insurers. 

  They were more closely  divided on the issue of whether it would be  the wrong to do so, with results  varying in whether the questions was asked in the affirmative of negative.  OPINIONS ON POSSIBLE REGULATIONS:  A lot of discussion was taking place  in development markets like US on regulations life insurance companies from obtaining  genetic information  through regulations.   The options available are whether  to acquire genetic information  either from an applicant’s  medical record  or can ask proposer to undergo genetic tests. Around 61% respondents said that the life insurance companies should be not be permitted to use  either  of the options . 53% opined that company should be able to us use genetic information  from existing medical records., but they should not be allowed to require  to applicants to take a genetic test. Only 15.4% agreed with the statements that companies  should be allowed to require  all applicants to take a genetic test.  Public concerns about genetic discrimination relative  to other issue: 83.1% of respondents considered  genetic discrimination  as a  major concern. But in relation to other concerns like cloning, the economy  the environments access to health care. taxes and  terrorism the genetic discrimination   has been rated lowest.  However  most of the respondents opined that there is a need for insurance. They felt that every one has a right to it. Around 70% felt there  that every one needs life insurance. Thus there are diverse  opinions , concerns   and a attitudes  towards applying genetic information  for underwriting  by the insurers. 

CURRENT REGULATORY ENVIRONMENT:  After a lot of a deliberations by various  committees and association of the insurers, moratorium was imposed in UK on insurance  industry on the use of predictive genetic test. This was introduced  in 1998 for three years. In 2001, it was reviewed  and the government  decided to continue  with moratorium for another 5 years. According to this, the UK  insurers will continue not to require  any genetic test results in respect of applications for life insurance  products  with sums assured results in respect of applications  for life insurance products with the sum assured of less than 500,000 critical illness insurance  with sums assured of less than  300,000 with corresponding  annual illness insurance  with  sums assured of less with corresponding  annual amounts for income protections coverage . Initially during the period 1997-2001, the insurer were less successful in deploying argument  in favor on their  right to use genetic test. Finally the insurer’s   arguments of right  to use  genetic  to  protect themselves  against the exercise  of an options by policy holders  was successful  and that the allowed the insurers to use genetic tests information for very large  sums assured. In the United States  also public concerns on genetic tests have led to enactment of laws  prohibiting genetic discrimination in health insurance.  

Though the definition  of genetic information varies from one country to another and according to the applicability of law they reflect   a general consensus  that individual who are asymptomatic  should be at a be excluded from the opportunities  to purchase health insurance because of genetically increased from the opportunities to purchase health  insurance because of genetically increased risk of illness. In the light of the public concerns their attitudes and the insurer’s  concerns , it is better to set out general  principles to be advanced by the policies. The general principles  that can be adopted are:  1.  Do not discourage at-risk individual from under going genetic testing.  2. Do not coerce individual into a under going genetic testing.  3.  Do not promote harmful  social consequences  4.  Make life and a health insurance  coverage available  at affordable  rates.  5.  Promote actuarially   sound underwriting  and assure the public  that underwriting and pricing decision are fair.  6.  Do not promote or enable   adverse selection.  7. Minimize regulatory complexity.  8.  Anticipate scientific developments .  9. Develop recommendations that are a  politically feasible.